Best. AdHole. Ever.

Today is the day. The day some of you have prayed for. The day some of you have feared. But still the best freakin’ day ever seen around these parts. To find out what I’m yammering about, watch the video. Or download a full-res copy by option-clicking...

A New Year, a New Hole

Welcome to the republished AdHole, now powered by WordPress on its very own dedicated site. Please, remain calm. James! Sit down!I am also going to attempt to make this blog moderately useful. This may mean fewer, but more interesting posts. Not that you ever found...

Pre-Blog Updated

Who Is Jason Fox, my insanely long biography begun years and years and years before the emergence of blogging, has been updated with entries for August – November, 2006. Enjoy. And if you waste a whole day reading it all, that’s your issue.Later,Fox

No Comment

Actually, lots of comments. Apparently, I had turned on comment moderation whilst in some late-night stupor induced by watching one-too-many AbLoungeXL infomercials. So about 20 or so comments from the past six weeks or so were backed up in the plumbing...
Too Sexy for My List

Too Sexy for My List

As you could probably guess from my silence on the matter, my “Grapes of Wrath” inspired list for failed to make the cut. They’re a mercurial bunch over at McSweeney’s, one minute going for highbrow literary references and the next opting for Yiddish...