If your definition of the Internet of Things (or IoT for you savvier nerds) is yelling at Alexa when she repeated interprets “play Purple Rain” as “play Chocolate Rain,” then ObjectSpectrum probably isn’t a company you’re going to interact with much in your professional life. If, however, you have an idea of how the IoT could make life for your business or your customers easier – but have no idea how to pull it off – ObjectSpectrum is the place to call.
Similarly, I was the person to call when ObjectSpectrum decided to up their branding game, revamp their voice and redo their website. A lot of exploratory and expository writing ensued, resulting in a new tagline, a voice that doesn’t resemble every other tech site extant, and a website that potential customers actually enjoy reading. Check them out at ObjectSpectrum.com, or peruse the screen captures below.
Home Page

What We Do




