The Shillelagh of Unctuousness

The Shillelagh of Unctuousness

The Bible. It is God’s Word writ large. And, depending on your volume of choice, writ heavy, too. Sixty-six books written by 40 men (all bearded) under the direction of the Holy Spirit over the course of roughly 1,600 years. Nearly 800,000 words and zero pictures if...
The Shillelagh of Unctuousness

The Saucy McRib of Love

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the romantical bands which have connected him with a lady and to assume among the powerful espressos of the megachurch food court, the separate and single station to which the Laws of...

In Case You’re Wondering

The AdHole has been offline for quite some time now due to the Fox family moving from Dallas to Omaha. Settling into the new gig and digs has proven to be quite time consuming. And as there is no shortage of ad blogs out there, I’m in no hurry to resume....
The Shillelagh of Unctuousness

The Far Side of the Apocalypse

If you’re like me, you no doubt have severe issues with your coiffure when the humidity levels hit anything beyond “arid.” You also, also Gwen Stefanilessly, root your eschatological ethics in the good-time hieroglyphs of everyone’s favorite...