Technical Difficulties

The joy of WordPress upgrades has wreaked havoc on The AdHole. All posts have been restored (I think), but I will have to redo Categories, Links and the About section myself. Since I have forgotten whatever PHP I had to learn when I first set this up as WP blog,...

About Jason Fox

A Kansas City native, Jason Fox currently works as a creative director, humor columnist, tech blogger and thumb model in Dallas, Texas. His client history ranges from discount funeral homes to discount superstores, and he’s produced a few bits of work you may...

August 26, 2002

Switches to Pat “Mr. Myagi” Morita philosophy of martial arts citing “Arnold’s wicked-awesome” crane maneuver as “totally whack, but in a good, Joanie-Loves-Chachi kinda way.”

March 24, 2002

Attends the Oscars with confirmed sweetie Jennifer Garner. Astonishes 1.1 billion people around the globe by revealing that host Whoopi Goldberg is, in reality, not funny. Garner beats the bejeepers out of seat filler Gilbert Gottfried.