Open Your JoyHole and Shout…

Death to MarCommunism

Are you a marketing communications specialist? Do you synthesize actionable items by day and move from strength to strength at night? Going forward, do you seek to exploit the synergies of multimedia interactivity with micro-targeted opt-in programs?Then stop reading...
Open Your JoyHole and Shout…

Once Upon a Manifesto

I was cleaning out my emails this morning when I happened upon the missive I sent to my fellow creatives at Bernstein-Rein on my last day back in February 2005. Here’s the meat of that email, offered because I believe it all to still be true. My apologies for the...
Open Your JoyHole and Shout…

Hacks vs. Artistes

Extremism, as Katie Couric incessantly reminds us, is bad. Bad, bad, bad. The extreme right wing, bad. The extreme left wing, bad (unless you’re Katie). Extreme sports, dangerous. Extreme spelled X-treme, dumb. Extreme bingo, unsafe for senior citizens. Anything taken...
Open Your JoyHole and Shout…

I Create, Therefore, I Blow

I penned this creative philosophy last week. It was summarily rejected without discussion by someone who shall remain, hopefully, ignorant of this blog. Feel free to tell me why this sucks (aside from still being too long):Here we are now, infotain us.People want to...