My new favorite commercial and product: The Back-Up® bedside gun rack. That’s right, it’s a shotgun rack that attaches to your bed so you have easy access to your boomstick should Hippie J. Patchouli crash your pad while you sleep. Flippin’ brilliant.

But I’m sure you have some questions about this remarkable device, so here are a few excerpts from the company’s FAQ:

Q: I already have a shotgun handy. Why not keep it where I have it?Ӭ
A: Because you would have to get up and find it, losing valuable time.

Q: I sleep on the right side of the bed. Can I use it there?Ӭ
A: Because of the our unique patented design, you can adjust to fit on either side of the bed and place it where it is handy for you. If fact, we suggest you have Back-Ups on both sides of the bed.Ӭ

Q: I travel a lot for business or hunting. Is it portable?Ӭ
A: Yes it is very light and portable. The unique patented design and construction gives you the ability to collapse it easily for travel, and place it where you need it.

Q: When can I expect delivery?Ӭ
A: We will ship your unit 4 to 6 weeks from date of order. Maybe sooner.

This space left intentionally blank for readers to insert their own jokes.

As a gun owner, I must say that I’m a bit disappointed that they only have a rack suited for shotguns. My .357 magnum (nickname: Sledge Justice) won’t fit in the Back-Up. And my wife won’t let me keep Sledge under my pillow. Not even if he’s pointed at the wall instead of her.

But the good news is, I’m pretty sure these things will fit on a crib just fine.

