I, Jason Fox, Need a Job

I, Jason Fox, Need a Job

It’s no secret that we’ve recently doubled the number of humans living within our household. And this domestic expansion necessitates other changes, as well. Namely, I must forego the life of a freelancer and return to the agency world.Frankly, I’m...

Merry Christmas, AdHolios

I’ve yet to see “A Charlie Brown Christmas” this year, but trust me, I’ll be popping that DVD in sometime before Tuesday. We’re not making the multi-state trek this year due the soon-to-be-released Fox sequels, so there will plenty of...
I, Jason Fox, Need a Job

Sticks and Stones

Things I Have Been Called in My Advertising Career:J-FoJ-Fro (pre-head shaving)The Delicate Genius (probably not a compliment)Goodtime Shoehorn (a story less interesting than you’d think)The Most Difficult Creative to Work With (three years running; probably...